Documents required to open a Company or Trust Account (FSA)

Updated on March 4, 2025

To open a corporate or trust account, you’ll need to provide specific documentation.


After submitting your application, please send the required documents to


Bear in mind, the account opener must be a director, shareholder, or have authority to act on behalf of the company or trust (e.g., operate the bank account).





The following documents must be supplied:  


  • The filled-out and signed copy of the BlackBull – Corporate Application Form; AND 
  • Certificate of Incorporation or equivalent; AND 
  • Certificate of Directors and secretary or equivalent; AND 
  • Certificate of Shareholders or equivalent; AND 
  • Certificate of Registered Office; AND 
  • Each Director and each Shareholder with over 25% ownership will also be required to send in a valid Proof of Identification and a Proof of Address. 





The following documents must be supplied: 


  • The filled-out and signed copy of the BlackBull – Trust Application Form; AND 
  • Copy of the full Trust Deed and any material variations to the Trust Deed AND 
  • The Source of Wealth for the Trust and a document verifying the origin of the assets of the Trust AND 
  • The name, dates of birth, and residential address of all Beneficiaries AND 
  • Each Trustee and any other individual that has effective control over the Trust, specific Trust property, with the power to amend the Trust Deed or remove or appoint Trustees AND
  • Name, Principal address or registered office, and Relationship to the trust of persons who are authorized to act on behalf of the trust in relation to its dealings with BlackBull Markets.
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