While TradingView is simple enough for beginner investors, it is a powerful tool with many features and indicators that can enhance the trading experience for investors of any skill level. Understandably, new experiences can be daunting. Read on to learn about some fundamental functions of the TradingView charting interface.
The TradingView interface #
If you are familiar with other trading platforms such as MT4 and MT5, analysing the markets and placing a trade in TradingView should be a cinch for you. Regardless, the TradingView UI is intuitive and user friendly for all traders, old and new. So, let’s take a look at the three main components:
Toolbar 1 #

Toolbar 1 is where you will find the options to modify the time scale, settings, and the look of your chart. This is also where you can search for your indicators, set price alerts, and publish your charts and ideas.
One of the most significant advantages of TradingView is the numerous indicators that it offers. Indicators are accessed in Toolbar 2, under the symbol fx. After clicking the symbol, you will be presented with a pop-up box showcasing the numerous Indicators, strategies, and candle signals.
Toolbar 2 #

Toolbar 2 is where you find all your quick-access tools for drawing on your charts.
Hundreds of drawing tools are at your disposal in TradingView. Many trader-favourites are available by default, including trend line, Fibonacci, Geometric shapes, Text/Annotation, patterns and prediction and measurement tools. Left-click any tool icon to bring up a more comprehensive selection of related tools.
Toolbar 3 #

Toolbar 3 is for market overviews, newsfeeds, as well as TradingView’s social feeds. Within toolbar 3, you can customise your market watchlist, observe the latest mainstream media news relevant to the instrument you are trading, and track trending stocks. Complimenting all these features are the social features, including chat forum access and shared ideas from community members (read more about this below).