What do Liquidity Providers do? #
In order for BlackBull to offer the lowest spreads to our clients, we use a number of liquidity providers. To achieve this, major liquidity providers include the Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Barclays, RBS, Credit Suisse, Commerzbank, ABN AMRO and BNP Paribas.
Electronic Communication Network liquidity or ECN liquidity is integral to the service offered by BlackBull Markets. When combined with our aggregation system, our ECN ensures that our liquidity providers directly compete with each other to guarantee our clients the best trading experience.
Full list of Liquidity Providers #
- Bank of America
- Barclays
- BNP Paribas
- Citibank
- CommerzBank
- Credit Suisse
- Deutsche Bank
- JPMorgan Chase
- Standard Chartered